Time: ONE Hour |
Max. Marks: 60
(10.45 AM - 11.45 AM) |
- Answers must be written either in English or the
medium of instruction of the candidate in high school.
- There will be no negative marking.
- There are THREE Sections. Answer all questions of a
section at one place.
- Use of calculators or graph papers is not permitted.
- Marks allotted for individual sections are given below.
All questions in an individual section carry equal marks.
Section A 10 Marks
Section B 20 Marks
Section C 30 Marks
- A large amount of ice at 0 ° C is added to a beaker of
water at 30 ° C. Some of the ice melts and the rest
floats on water in the beaker. The temperature of the
water in the beaker is .
- The angle of minimum deviation of an equiangular prism is
equal to the angle of the prism. The refractive index of
the material of the prism is .
- A wave of frequency 170 Hz travels through a narrow pipe
closed at one end where it is reflected. The reflected
wave and the incident wave interfere forming a stationary
wave in the pipe. If the nearest antinode in the pipe is
50 cm from the closed end, the velocity of the wave is .
- For compressions and rarefactions to form in a medium the
direction of vibration of the particles and the direction
of propagation of the wave must be .
- When a person speaks in to a microphone the vibrations of
its diaphragm are free/ resonant/forced . (
Mention the correct answer in your response sheet )
- A current of 3.2 mA is flowing through a wire. The number
of electrons crossing any section of the conductor in a
minute would be .
- A long wire has electronic current flowing through it
from north to south. The north pole of a compass needle
placed above the wire would deflect towards .
- A filament lamp is rated 100 W at 200 V. The
filament is cut in to two equal parts and one of them is
used at 250 V. Its power would be .
- A hypothetical radioactive nucleus emits a proton and a
deuteron in succession. The mass number and charge number
of the product nucleus are reduced by
- When aluminum is bombarded with alpha particles, the
resulting nucleus becomes radioactive and emits
- With x axis westward and y axis southward the coordinates
of two places are 150 m, 200 m and 450 m, 600 m.
The westward distance between the places is .
The southward distance between the places is .
The distance between the places is .
- A solid is heated by a source supplying heat at a
constant rate. The temperature at first rises from 20° C
to 80° C in 5 minutes and then remains steady for 60
minutes before it starts rising again. The ratio of
specific heat of the solid to its latent heat of fusion
is .
- A concave mirror is kept some distance away from a wall.
A twice magnified image is formed on the wall when an
object is placed between the mirror and the wall at a
distance of 30 cm from the wall. The focal length of
the mirror is .
- In the expression

v, E and D denote
velocity, Elasticity and density. Then a and b are equal
- Charge stored by a condenser is 5 mC when a potential
difference of 2 V is maintained between its plates
and the plates have a material of dielectric constant 5
between them. Charge on the plates when the potential
difference is doubled and the material between the plates
is replaced by material of dielectric constant 2 would be
- A cell drives a certain charge through a circuit in a
certain time. Due to a change in the resistance of the
circuit in which this cell is a part the same charge
takes twice greater time to be driven. Work done in the
first and second cases by the cell are in the ratio .
- A charged liquid is flowing through a pipe of cross
sectional area a. Unit volume of this liquid has a charge
q. If the velocity of the flow is v, current through any
section of the pipe is .
- Two wires are made of equal mass of same material and
have their cross sections in the ratio 3:4. Their
resistances will be in the ratio .
- To raise the temperature of 10 liters of water through 20
C° a 1000 W heater would require
- A length of wire is made in to circular coil with certain
number of turns. For a certain current through it the
magnetic field at its center is X. If another coil
made of same length of wire has twice greater number of
turns, magnetic field at its center for same
current as the first coil would be .
- The distance of a particle moving along a
straight line from another stationary point on the same
line is given by l = 2+ 4t + 5 t2
with l in meters and t in seconds. The distance travelled
by the body between 4 th and 6 th seconds will be .
- Two cars are travelling on a straight road with the one
car 200 m from the other at the same speed. At a certain
moment brakes are applied to the rear car and it
decelerates uniformly travelling 20 m before coming
to rest. The distance between the cars at the moment the
rear car comes to rest is
- Two points A and B are located on the floor of a room 30
cm and 20 cm away from a wall. The distance between the
points parallel to the wall is 50 cm. An insect is at A
moving on the floor at 5 cms1. It has to
first reach a point C on the wall and then reach B such
that AC and BC make equal angles with normal to the wall
at C The time taken for this motion would be .
- Two particles are going round concentric circular paths
making 30 RPM and 60 RPM. the time interval between their
being at the minimum and maximum distances is .
- A wooden block of certain volume is floating in water
with a metal block of one eighth its volume hanging from
below it. The volume of the submerged portion of the
wooden block is one fourth its total volume. When the
metal block is placed on top of the wooden block, the
volume of the submerged portion of the wooden block is
three fourths its total volume. The ratio of densities of
wood and metal is
- Intensity of light at a point is proportional to square
of the distance of the point from a source of light. A
source of light is at a height of 30 cm above the center
of a circular table of radius 40 cm. The ratio of
intensities at the center and the edge of the table is .
- Two points on a thin circular ring are located such that
the radial lines joining them to the center have a
certain angle between them. When this angle is 90° the
electrical resistance offered by the ring for a current
entering one point and leaving the other is R. The
resistance when the angle is 60° will be .
- An electron moving vertically upward in a horizontal
magnetic field experiences a force directed towards east.
The force experienced by an electron travelling eastward
in this magnetic field will be directed towards .
- Radii of circular paths of electrons round the nuclei are
proportional to the square of quantum numbers. If square
of time taken to go round circular path once by an
electron is proportional to cubes of the radius, The
ratio of frequencies of revolution in orbits of quantum
numbers 1 and 4 is .
- Mass of a radioactive substance at a certain moment is 16
gm and its half life is 2 hrs. The mass of the substance
that disintegrates in 1 hour is greater than /
equal to / less than 4 gm. ( Mention the
correct answer in your response sheet and justify your